Invest in parking space in Barcelona. Is it a good idea?

Do you have some savings and would you like to invest some of your money? Have you decided to take a step into the world of investments? Investing in a house or an apartment is not within everyone's reach, but a more affordable and safe first step is that of parking spaces. Why invest in a parking space? Their prices are much lower than that of houses or commercial premises High demand...

Serveis immobiliaris a Navas

Real estate services in Navas

Now Si real estate offers you the best real estate services in the Navas neighborhood Si real estate is a real estate company born in Sant Andreu, which has managed to become a reference in the sector thanks to a vision that unites values ​​and innovation. We are a real estate company that serves people with a humane and real treatment, and that we really get involved in the sales/rental processes...

¿Cuánto se tarda en vender un piso en Barcelona?

How long does it take to sell a property in Barcelona?

We must start this article by reinforcing the "average" concept, although it may be obvious, an average tells us that in the time it takes to sell a flat perhaps 5 of them have been sold. It is not an absolute data, but statistical. Your apartment may end up being sold in a longer or shorter time than the average. How long does it take to sell a flat in Barcelona? A property is a complex product, therefore...

Serveis Immobiliaris la Sagrera

Real Estate services la Sagrera

Real estate services la Sagrera Si Real Estate (we are) It seems like it was yesterday, but it's been 5 years since Si Real Estate was born in Sant Andreu. The adventure of Si Real Estate began, supported by the knowledge of real estate professionals with a lot of experience, who wanted to offer real estate services from person to person but with a clear look to the future. Today, the Si Real...

Local en venda a Sant Andreu

Shop for sale in Sant Andreu

At Si Real Estate we have a commercial premises in the Sant Andreu district.The Sant Andreu neighborhood enjoys healthy commercial activity and great street life. The neighborhood's own character offers great guarantees for businesses open in commercial areas or in nearby streets. If you are looking for a property for sale in Sant Andreu, and you want to lift the shutter, now is an unbeatable time. Do not...

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