Estacion AVE la Sagrera

AVE la Sagrera

Sant Andreu neighbours spent decades seeing the monumental works on the great railway barrier that breaks Barcelona.However: The result of this great work, one of the most important investments ever made in the entire state, will mean an enormous economic boost for the neighborhoods adjacent to the tracks. Apart from the great station of La Sagrera, many facilities are going to be inaugurated:cultural...

4 Keys for selling a property

Value Apart from the parameters established in the market, a flat is an extremely complex product. Aspects such as the orientation, the thermal behavior of the house (apart from the energy certificate), the light, the acoustics, the distribution of the spaces, the height and obviously the location and the state of conservation of the floor and of the estate will always be decisive. If we show an apartment...

Viure a Sant Andreu del Palomar

Living in Sant Andreu del Palomar

The town of Sant Andreu will originate from the farmhouses built on the voltant of Sant Andreu del Palomar. An iconic, recently restored vintage church. Currently a neighbourhood, Sant Andreu feels like a town. Benefited by the good connections to the center of Barcelona, irs core has a great vitality. A town that has transformed its industrial heritage into services and equipment. Sant Andreu has many...

Cambio de vivienda

Change of residence. Sell or buy? What should i do first?

Changing house for new needs is a common step that people take throughout our lives. A large part of the real estate operations that we carry out suppose that an owner sells his home to obtain a new one that provides him with greater well-being. And that's when they always ask me the same question: What should I do first, sell or buy? The answer is clear: You should have a buyer of your home first....

The ruling on capital gains tax

The Constitutional Court has invalidated the way in which the tax that the councils receive for each sale, donation or inheritance of real estate is calculated. It is a measure that obviously harms city halls income but is good news for those who resorted to paying the tax. Capital gains tax. What is? We know the capital gains tax on urban land (IIVTNU) as capital gains tax. A tax levied on the increase in...

Selling a home safely

People can become owners of a property for so many reasons. It can be by inheritance, by sale or by dissolution of the condominium. Although there are also other less common possibilities. And it is possible that the new owners do not master 100% of the issues that must be controlled documentary to make a sale without surprises, adjusted to the legality and satisfactory. Selling a home safely is like...

Normativa actual per llogar

Current regulations for renting today

Are you up to date with the regulations to rent a home today? Read this and make no mistake!  The current LAU establishes as "tense rental areas" some towns (Barcelona among them). In these areas, the monthly rent of the rental housing is established by means of an index. Therefore, if you want to rent a habitual residence, and it is located in a town that the local Government sees as a tense rental...

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