Real Estate Sant Andreu Barcelona

Immobiliaria Sant Andreu

Real Estate Sant Andreu Barcelona. We’re from Sant Andreu.  Some of you may ask “Why do you say it so much?”

Well, the real estate market is a world that is often analyzed from a global point of view. Many times uniforming realities and not paying attention to the details.

At Si Real Estate we believe that it is important to know the real estate market from the inside out. Therefore, our radius of specialization has its epicenter in Sant Andreu and extends in Nou Barris, Horta, La Sagrera radially to all of Barcelona.

Obviously we are experienced professionals who know the real estate market at country level, but what we know best is our neighborhood, or town. Call it what you want, we call it home.

Street to street, corner to corner, building to building. We know the micro idosyncrasies of the neighborhood, the potential value it has, the strongest areas, the plans for the future.

That’s why we are happy to be able to tell you that we are the best option for selling a flat in Sant Andreu.

Immobiliaria Sant Andreu.

Facing the future

The emergence of digital portals as Idealista, Fotocasa o Habitaclia have been a game changer. Is this fact positive or negative?

It’s just a fact. And there’s no point in clasifying it in positive/negative terms. We just need to move on and stick to our reality.

The question is:

Can we expect the Amazon’s “here and now” experience when we’re adquiring such a complex “product” like a property? The answer is plain and simple, NO. 

  1. We are not purchasing a generic product. No 2 properties are the same.
  2. The legislation of the real estate market is much more complex.
  3. The economic impact of the operation is much more important.
  4. There are some procedures that depend on the public administration. So this will mark the times.

Immobiliaria Sant Andreu

Immobiliaria Sant Andreu


One of the great advantages of using these portals (Idealista, Fotocasa, Habitaclia) is that they offer a great diffusion.

That’s why part of the diffusion we do in Si Real Estate is through these resources. They are very valuable tools so we would not want to waste them. To do so would be to be anchored in the past.

  1. But diffusion is only one part of the process. Before that:
  2. We have reviewed the documentation of the flat and the existence or not of charges. 
  3. If necessary, we have highlighted its true potential at cost 0 for the owner, applying Home Staging.
  4. The flat has been valued, adjusting it to its possibilities, looking for the optimal relationship between value and time of sale.
  5. We did a photo report and a 360º tour
  6. We have published the property on all other channels.

And after the broadcast:

  1. We have selected the best buyer for the property.
  2. We have taken care of preparing all the necessary documentation.
  3. We provide accompaniment until the writing.


Therefore, although these portals are tools that allow you to start and end a real estate operation yourself. It should be noted that the result of the operation may be diminished by the absence of the intervention of a professional who considers all aspects of the operation.

And not just any professional. If a real estate agent knows a certain area or neighborhood. Your experience will be key in matters such as determining its value or finding the right buyer.

In Sant Andreu, Si Real Estate is the best option.

A real estate company on the street with its doors open. We have much more valuable knowledge than any algorithm and person-to-person treatment. It’s important! We are talking about selling a property, not shoes or appliances.

Come over and meet us!

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